Game 9 - Pirates of Pendrake

Game 9 - Pirates of Pendrake - Forum Topic

So, its me, ragnar and... one more.. umm so its 6 players left to go or do you have more already ?
We will have to drum up some more interest before we can launch this game.  Auto turn running as well will be a must.
Just got our 9th sign-up, so the game is full!  Keep an eye out for Turn 0 in the near future.
Coooooool! Looking forward to getting Turn 0, asap! :-)
Game 9.  Pirates of Pendrake has been launched.
If anybody requests a delay for submitting their orders, they become #1 on my to kill list.  Not that that's an even slightly scary proposition for most of the players in this game, but thought I'd throw it out there anyway.  ;)
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